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The Blessing of Holding A Family Meeting Every Week!

Years ago, while reading a parenting book, (I’ve read too many to remember which) I read an idea from the author about holding a family meeting each week. I was instantly sold on the idea! Our family was a team and meetings seemed like a great way to keep the team united. I was right!

Our Family Identity.

Family meetings have become a part of our family identity. Weekly family meetings – gave this blog its name! Holding a family meeting each and every week was one of the first great habits we started with our little family when there were only 3 of us.

We held our first meeting with a Mommy, Daddy, and a baby boy. Now, over a decade later we have had a family meeting every week and it’s a significant part of why we are – who we are.

A team meeting done right is beneficial for everyone involved.

Regular talking points at business meetings are; happenings in the organization, goals, highlights, and low-lights, strengths, and weaknesses, vision, growth, etc… All these things happen in families.

The Benefits of Holding A Family Meeting.

Your family is a team. The members of your family will see every good, bad, joyful, ugly, and sad thing that happens to one another.

Coming together regularly to check-in is a valuable use of time.

Holding A Family Meeting shows your children they have a valuable place in the family.

Here’s how:

Obviously, mom and dad rule the roost but talking to, even very small kids, about decisions that need to be made, will let them know that they belong and how they feel matters. Whether they offer insight or nonsense during a meeting, is not significant (they will offer a lot of non-sense?) just let them talk.

When your family is working towards something, let the kids in on what’s up. When I began compiling content for this blog, we shared with the kids what I was going to be doing and they were so supportive! This gets them in on the action so they can dream big with you and share in the rejoicing when goals are reached.

When your family has needs that you are believing God will provide and praying in faith to see those needs met, tell your littles. Your child should be able to share in the rejoicing that will be had when you see God meet your needs!

This creates a great habit for them to trust their Creator to meet their needs and gives them many chances for a testimony and experiences with God early in their life! Just ask my oldest son about the baby brother he spent 2 years praying for. God is good.

Having time for highlights and low-lights gives your child a chance to share what has made him particularly happy or sad recently. Did someone say or do something nice for them? Did someone hurt his feelings? Is she feeling like she’s not getting enough one-on-one time from mom and dad? Etc…

Doing this all together creates an important habit of being comfortable talking about heart issues with the WHOLE family. This will benefit the whole family when a member is struggling with something and needs to “come clean.” He will have grown up knowing that family meetings are a safe place to open your mouth and share your heart.

A Few Family Meeting Pointers

Tailor your meetings to your family’s needs, but keep this in mind.

#1. Your child is not too small to start having a family meeting every week.

My oldest was ONE when we started. He didn’t have much to say that first few years, but here we are 10 yrs later, still doing it! It’s all about creating habits. It also was a great practice for my husband and me to intentionally sit together to set goals, prayer requests, etc.

#2. Keep it short and simple.

Set a timer if necessary. Allowing just a minute or two for each person to talk during highlights/low-lights. Kids lose attention quickly and will start to squirm if asked to sit in a wooden chair for 40 minutes! 15 minutes is usually more than enough time.

#3. Pick a day that works.

One day of the week that you know everyone is home and available. This cuts down on other things interfering with the meeting time. Don’t forget to take notes at your meeting.

You’ll want to revisit any goals that have been met, praise reports and dig deeper with a child that may have offered a concerning low-light.

Holding a family meeting regularly makes my children feel valued, heard, important and a part of something special. It will do the same for your family.

A family meeting provides time for sharing, goal setting, and a sense of belonging. When you are ready to start having a family meeting each week, read here for how to start.


Hi there! I'm Mama Duck,

I'm a stay-at-home/work-at-home, homeschooling Mama of 4 beautiful kiddos, wife to my loving husband, Parenting Coach, Speaker, and Writer. I adore the sound of my children's giggles, that first sip of hot coffee, and a snuggly blanket fresh out of the dryer. Here on Faithful Parenting, my heart is to equip mamas with the skills, knowledge, and biblical wisdom to raise fantastic kids and build a tethered family!